Monday, April 6, 2009

How to Turbo Charge Your Pay Per Click Programs by Peter Kirkham

A great way to start making money on the internet is through pay per click programs.
Many use this method for simply driving traffic to their website or a landing page where they try to entice the visitor to sign up for a freebie of some kind.

But... there's more than one PPC option available.

There's a terrific method that you may not have heard of, it's difficult to learn & simple little errors can be costly however, the rewards are there if you persevere long enough.

I refer to pay per click to cost per acquisition (CPC to CPA ) method, usually described as CPA marketing.

This a much less known strategy and the key is to drive traffic (lots of it) to specific CPA sites where the visitor is offered something like a chance to win a substantial prize or a free gift of some sort in return for some information such as an email address, phone number, your name, your postcode, etc.


If you, the affiliate, send traffic to a CPA site and the visitors actually do what the advertiser (CPA site) wants them to do, ie provide some specific information, the advertiser pays you a fee for that action.

People are generally more liable to click on a link if there's no cost involved.

Although it's one of those pay per click programs that many are not aware of, the method is not new to the internet. Every day there's more CPA networks being established which indicates that there here to stay for quite awhile.

And that's good news for you affiliates as this is one of the best online opportunities around & can be extremely profitable.

These are some of the most lucrative opportunities on the net today.


When creating a CPA campaign one needs to plan it out & construct it in the correct sequence & manner or it's guaranteed to fail. If you can think outside the square, you'll be ahead of the pack.


- You need to think like your traffic does & source offers that appeal to your target market.

- You'll need to split test absolutely everything and keep a sharp eye on your costs. For example, if you're using Google as your pay When using any pay per click firm including Google, always lock in a daily budget that won't blow your budget.

- Test & measure everything. One of the most important activities when running a campaign but also one of the most neglected.

- Maximise your opportunities. Check out lots of CPA networks and sign up to as many as you can. This will give you lots of options over a diverse range of products.

- Get your creative juices flowing. As CPA marketing becomes more popular with affiliate marketers, you need to keep ahead of the pack. This can be acheived by thinking outside the square.

Try to come up with innovate ideas & promotions that set you apart.


By targeting less popular search terms & long tailed keywords (generally keyword phrases with 3 or more words) you can pick up that 'un noticed' traffic that slips past most affiliate marketers.

This method keeps your cost done & is a primary ingredient to successful pay per click programs IT'S


With the average payout by advertisers of $1.00 to $1.50 per action, low cost traffic is the operative word here.

For a campaign to succeed you need thousands of laser targeted keywords and a ton of cheap traffic to your CPA networks. Not having enough keywords and or not keeping your cost in check, can kill any campaign very quickly.

So... if you learn & understand one of the most unique & secretive pay per click programs around, you can earn yourself a tidy income.

About the Author
LEARN HOW TO ATTRACT A TON OF TRAFFIC, FOR FREE... a renowned PPC & CPA Marketing genius has made his Insider Guide to CPA Marketing Profits available for FREE. Discover information about this very profitable online strategy. Check out & DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE

Affiliate Marketing and Pay Per Click by Beck

Do you want to make more money? Do you want to turn that computer you spent so much money on into a cash cow? Well it is possible. It won't happen overnight but with time and hard work you'll soon be working from home if you choose.
Do you currently have a website? Do you wonder why it isn't making you any money? You keep posting great content, wonderful writing samples and articles but still your balance is zero. Well perhaps you need to expand your horizons. By signing up for pay per click affiliate sites you can soon see cash going into your account simply by maintaining your site.

One of the most popular Pay per click programs is Google adsense. Google Adsense will take care of the advertising for you. When you sign up, your site will have new advertisements and banner places in the open spaces. If anyone visits your site and clicks on one of the ads, you get a referral payment. Again, Google takes care of the ad placement allowing you to concentrate on increasing the traffic to your site.

Joining a scheme such as Google adsense is a good idea. They will help to promote your site and advise you on how to increase your traffic.

If you have been maintaining your website for a while, you probably know that one of the best ways to attract traffic is through the use of keywords. The right keywords will have them flocking to your site. The wrong words will have them running in droves. Sites such as Google adsense can help with this as well. They operate Google ad words. This will help maximize the key word usage and help get the correct one for the most traffic. Google does charge for this service so you need to be sure it is worth it before you buy. You don't want all of your profits ate up by the ad words scheme.

When you sign up for Google adsense, you can be assured that page appropriate ads will be places on your webpage. If you have a pet care site then things related to that topic will be placed. Obscure and ads that have nothing to do with your page are not likely to impress your reader or increase your earnings.

Google Adsense is only one example of search engines that offer a pay per click money making service. There are hundreds of others. One of the most notable is Yahoo publisher. It functions in much the same way as Google adsense and offers a similar style of service. Which one you choose will largely depend on you. If you have several sites, you could try both schemes. See which one is better and go with that one.

If you have a or several web pages that just seem to be doing nothing, then look into a pay per click program. Sites such as Google adsense and yahoo publisher will do most of the hard work for you. They will place the ads and decide which ads will be best for your site. This will leave you time to do the most important thing; increase your site traffic and eventually your ad revenue. If you have websites, look into pay per click. The service is free so you have nothing to loose.

more free info here-

5 Hidden Ways Super Affiliates Use Google to Boost Sales

Have you ever wondered why and how Super Affiliates are using Google to Boost their Sales?

HINT: is a TOP Search Engine and maybe the most POPULAR. Other MAJOR Search Engines are and

FACT: last month there were 8 622 220 searches on Overture for "" term.

I am going to show you below 5 ways Super Affiliates use Google to Boost their Sales:

Way #1 - Google Toolbar

Google offers a *free* downloadable TOOL called Google Toolbar that works into your browser. Super Affiliates use it mainly to find popular Web Sites by Page Rank and backward links.

Google Toolbar SAVES time by helping Super Affiliates to block pop-ups, autofill Web forms, translate Web Pages into English and more.

Way #2 - Google AdSense

Super Affiliates can GENERATE more revenue by serving highly targeted text-based ads on their Web Sites via the *free* Google AdSense program.

AdSense delivers Google ads relevant to the information people see on a Web Sites / Page.

When someone clicks on the ad, you profit.

You can find more info about Google AdSense at:

You can even profit from their red-hot referral program that pays $100 when someone you referred makes his first $100, as well as $1 when someone downloads the FireFox browser from Google Toolbar.

Way #3 - Google AdWords

Google AdWords offers Super Affiliates a low-cost way to send targeted visitors (*traffic*) to their Web Sites and finally generate more *Sales*.

With AdWords advertising program you pay only when someone clicks on your ad.

You can find more info about Google AdWords at:

Way #4 - Google DomainPark

Google DomainPark enables Super Affiliates who own lots of domain names to unlock the value in their parked page inventory.

DomainPark delivers targeted keywords and ads to parked domain name pages. DomainPark's technology analyzes domain names and displays targeted ads and related searches based on the meaning of the domain name.

If your Web Sites generate more than 750,000 page views per month, DomainPark could be the opportunity you've been waiting for.

You can find more info about Google DomainPark at:

Way #5 - Google Web Search

Super Affiliates use Google to search for high *traffic*, targeted keywords with less competitor Web Sites.

They use those keywords to build optimized Web Sites / Pages that bring *free* visitors on a regular basis.

Super Affiliates use Google to find out why other Web Sites ranked high for certain keywords and will try to achieve a higher ranking based on their SEO (Search Engine Optimization) knowledge.

Super Affiliates also use Affiliate Finder Pro, a TOOL that helps them boost their *Traffic*, Link Popularity and Search Engine Rankings. Read a review here:

Remember - Google is probably the most popular Search Engine and can help you boost *Sales* in record speed, if you use it wisely.

About The Author

Codrut Turcanu's FREE $29.97 eReport Reveales For The First Time Ever... "The Quick And Easy *Formula* For Boosting Your Site Traffic By Up 267% AND Generating 297% More AdSense & Affiliate Income!"

Explode Your Google Adsense and Affiliate Commissions Through Niche Blog Content Sites

Content as we know it is the Life-Blood or FUEL, if you will, of the Internet.

That was and still is the Internets sole purpose, except only now it's commercialized, giving the online entrepreneur the world at their fingers tips.

And the facts are that usually when people first come online it's not to go purchase something, it's to look for Information that will answer a question they might have about a particular product they're interested in and/or to a problem they are dealing with and are searching for a solution.

Ask yourself this, "Why do I go online?"

Does it resemble anything like what I just stated?

Only you can answer that.

These are simply the facts with out a doubt... Period!

Now that you have an idea of WHY people come online, I'm now going to explain to you how you can...

"Explode Your Google Adsense and Affiliate Commissions Through Niche Blog Content Sites"

Did you notice the last two words within the quotations?

That's right, Content Sites.

What are Content Sites?

I think it's pretty self explanatory but the basic definition of a Content Site is this - it's a site that contains targeted content that targets a particular niche or many niches.(niche examples: cars, fitness, hobbies, etc.)

Not quite up to speed on what a blog is, here's a quick definition of a blog - a blog(A.K.A. Web-Log) is simply a place to go and post your personal thoughts that you can share with your subscribers and/or readership and receive feedback.

Now that you know the basic definitions of a Content Site and a Blog lets continue.

Content Sites can contain Hundreds-to-Thousands of pages of keyword rich content, which by the way is exactly what the Search Engines love and will come back for if New content is added on a frequent basis giving the owner of that site lots of opportunity to benefit from the Free traffic inwhich the content pages, or what I like to call Feeder Pages, generate.

So, now that you have an idea of what a Content Site and a Blog is it's now time to tell you how you can build your own Niche Blog Content Site Empire, no matter what your niche is, using Blogs, Google Adsense and ClickBank affiliate products.

Bare in mind that the steps outlined below are only going to be a summarization of the actual process involved.

So, with that said, here it is.

Step #1. Set up a Blog.

The first step is quite simple. All you have to do is set up a Blog either through... -

or... -

This blog your setting up is going to be the foundation of your Niche Blog Content Site and is where the rest of the pieces of the puzzle are going to be added to once you've set it up.

(Quick Tip: Make sure you use your Target Keywords within your URL of your niche blog and in the Title and Description. VERY Important!)

Once you have your niche blog set up move on to Step #2.

Step #2. Adding your Google Adsense code.

Depending on your experience with scripting and html, it's now time to add your Google Adsense code to your new niche blog in 3 strategic places.

Google allows you to add 3 Google Adsense blocks only to one page, no more than that, so I recommend one at the Top, one in the Right or Left sidebar depending on the template you choose and one at the Bottom of your blog.

By doing this your almost forcing your reader to click on a link within the Google Adsense block, which is of course, is exactly what you want and where your going to make the money.

The other great thing about Google Adsense is the ads are targeted to the content that you post, giving the reader even more reason to click through.

Here's a few resources for you that will show you how to add the Google Adsense code to your blog using the services I mentioned above if your not sure how to yourself.

Simply follow the instructions and you'll have Google Adsense installed on your niche blog in no time.

Step #3. Find a related ClickBank product.

Now it's time to go shopping at - - for a related information product that targets your niche.

Once there click on the link Earn Commissions at the bottom.

This will bring to to their directory where you'll find many products to choose from that will target any niche your blog is about.

(Quick Tip: The first 10 listed under each category are the TOP converting programs, meaning... their the ones making the most money.)

If you don't have a nickname you'll have to sign up for one. It'll only take you a few minutes.

From there, once you've chosen a program to join your going to want to collect all the affiliate materials available, like Articles, Banners, Text Links, etc., because your going to place these on your NEW niche blog site with your affiliate link linked to them so when your reader clicks on them and decides to buy the related information, you get the commission.

Well... there you have it, 3 steps to "Explode Your Google Adsense and Affiliate Commissions Through Niche Blog Content Sites".

Now the only thing left for you to do is to start building an audience by promoting your Blog.

Here's a few resources for you to get started with.

Ping-O-Matic -

RSS Top 55 -

Remember this is just a summarized version and is only going to give you the basic steps, so good luck to you and your Niche Blog Content Site Empire.

Copyright 2006 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

About The Author

Cory Threlfall is the Editor and Publisher of a online webmaster publication called... The Internet Wonders eZine, where you'll receive 'Daily' via the Web or RSS syndication Expert Articles, Product Reviews, HOT Tips, and More on how to Promote and Build your business online. Go NOW to ==>

Proceeds Mixed Through Affiliate Marketing and Google Adsense

Do you happen to be a webmaster that needs money for your website? Well if you are a web publisher you're going to need cash, affiliate marketing may work for you. With affiliate marketing, you may get a lot of cash driving into your bank. Furthermore if your website is rich in great contents, why not get into the Google Adsense program?

Why Affiliate Marketing?

Because affiliate marketing is most likely the best way to earn profits online. Even online retailers can gain from affiliate marketing programs, affiliate marketing actually works for merchants as well as it works for the affiliates.

Simply said, is a liaison or agreement made between two websites, with one site being the merchant's website and the other being the affiliate's site. The affiliate agrees to let the merchant promote his products on the affiliate's site, and the merchant, agree to pay the affiliate in whatever scheme they have agreed into. This would normally mean easy profits for the affiliate, as he would do nothing but place the retailer's ad on his site. This would also be very favourable for the merchant, as getting affiliates to advertise their goods would be a lot more affordable than hiring an advertising firm to promote their products.

There are a range of methods on how the merchant would compensate the affiliate for his services, and for the webmaster, these methods simply translates to the method by which he would earn easy money. Among the more common methods of compensation are the pay-per-click method, the pay-per-lead method, and the pay-per-sale method. The pay-per-click method is the method most favoured by affiliates, for their site's visitor would only have to visit the advertiser's site for them to gain money. The other two methods are better preferred by merchants, as they would only have to compensate you if your visitor becomes one of their registrants or if the visitor would actually buy their products.

Getting takings on affiliate marketing programs does not depend so much on the payment method it does on the traffic generated by your site. A website that can catch the attention of more visitors would usually have the greater chance of profiting in affiliate marketing programs.

Google Adsense.

Google Adsense is in fact some sort of an affiliate marketing program. In Google Adsense, Google act as the agent between the affiliates and the merchants. The merchant, or the advertiser, would sign up with Google and provide the latter with text ads pertaining to their products. These ads, which are in fact a link to the advertiser's website, would then appear on Google searches as well as on the websites owned by the affiliates, or by webmasters who have signed up with the Google Adsense program.

While one can find a lot of similarities between Google Adsense and other affiliate marketing programs, you can also see a lot of differences. In Google Adsense, all the webmaster has to do is place a code on his website and Google takes care of the rest. The ads that Google would place on your site would generally be related to the content of your site. This would be helpful both for you and for the advertiser, as the visitors of your site would more or less be interested with the products being advertised.

The Google Adsense program compensates the affiliate in a pay-per-click basis. The advertisers would pay Google a certain amount each time their ad on your site is clicked and Google would then forward this sum to you through checks, although only after Google have deducted their share of the amount. Also, the Google Adsense program provides webmasters with a tracking tool that allows you to monitor the earnings you get from a certain ad.

Where do all of these lead us to?

To profits! Affiliate marketing programs and the Google Adsense program plainly work, whether you are the merchant or the affiliate. For the merchant's side, a lot of money can be saved if advertising effort is concentrated on affiliate marketing rather than on dealing with advertising firms. For the webmaster, you can easily gain a lot of profits just by doing what you do best, by creating websites. And if you combine all your profits from both the Google Adsense program and other affiliate marketing programs, it would certainly convert to a large amount of cash.

About The Author

Lionel Estridge is the Publisher of Zero to Hero newsletter.

Feel free to reprint this article in your ezine, blog, autoresponder, or on your site so long as you leave all links in place.

Affiliate Cash Vault Combines Power of Google Adword and Adsense

I started searching internet, for making online money since 1996.

I worked on paid email, Paid Serach engines, Paid SurveyI purchased affiliate cash vault in 2006, which is an amzing formula to earn income by using google adwords and adsense at the same time.

Yes- One time cost is bit more initially, but less comparatevelly other money making products that sales in click bank, ebay.

This ebook guides you each steps involved to earn money.

If you will need a web site you may get a free web site from .

Yes-author provides hosting with domain for free, if you buy this product from him.

The admin of affiliate cash vault provides personal help, to increase your revenue.

What is needed is to use best promotion technique, to sale your product.

The affiliate cash vault is designed to automate your promotion.

Please check out this amazing item.

You will also find some more items here

Another Affiliate Scam? NO1 on Google in 48 hrs!

Another Affiliate Scam?

Affiliate Project XYZ or whatever-6 Figure Income for working a few hours per day?

Affiliates that are making $50,000.00 a month? Don't make me Laugh....

I winced when I read anything like this, and click off the page. Since I first found out about people making money online, I wanted to know how to do it myself. For personal reasons (that I won’t go into here) I needed to work from home and obtain a decent income whilst doing so. I spend 1000's of hours surfing and I'm ashamed to say a good pile cash on useless guides and programs. I joined forums and groups and quickly after reading of their experiences decided that the majority of these e-books, programs and tutorial were nothing but a scam. I settled down to plod around, making a lot of sites and going via the tried and tested 'Work Horse' method. In the end, I was making about $300 a month. After making virtually nothing for the first 6 months!!! When I saw the latest affiliate secrets program appear, I thought 'Here we go again'. Another get rich quick scheme. I have to say I ignored it for some time...but then I started to hear whispers, all over the net saying how great it was. Blah blah, I still ignored it.

I am a member of a particularly harsh, clued up Affiliate Forum. (They are straight talkers! They review and report harshly on every single scam and new program on the net. I was grinning when I saw the headline 'New Affiliate project program reviewed'. At last, I thought some one will pull it to pieces and save all the money and cash hungry affiliates wasting their time! I scrolled down till I found a favorite forum poster of mine, he is a cutting, an SEO expert, sharp, harsh and pulls every 'Get rich Quick Scheme' that I've ever seen on the net to shreds.

Boy did I get a shock!!! Here are some real posts from this harsh clued up forum:

Geez, this guy knows his stuff! Damn-if everyone reads this info-I'm outta business.

One guy wrote in another thread that this is the type of product that you don't want a lot of people to know about. I agreed with him but then I forgot a few things.

a) 90% of the people that buy it won't do a thing with it

b) Of the remaining 10%, about 1% will implement it effectively

So I hope I don't need to worry. Damn, can't believe he is selling this info so cheap!

This is only one post out of 50-singing it's praises-Affiliate Scheme ABC this and that-wow, blown away etc. all over the forum!

Took the wind right out of my jaded sales. I thought ok-you know what...lets go see.

I read it all carefully, then the clincher was spotting the money back guarantee if not satisfied plus it was quite cheap-so I thought...hmm why not. So tentatively, I bought Affiliate the product to test.

I thought it would just be an interesting experiment that I could report back on the forum about. I really didn't expect very much to come of my purchase.

Now I also run my own work from home forum and we have a vibrant community and all help each other with tips and knowledge on how to earn from home. I almost felt it my duty to try this out so I could post about 'What a con it was'

I bought this particular un-named product, (let just nickname it Abc for the purposes of this article), downloaded it and was so disinterested in reading it, I forgot about it for a few days.

I really hadn't much faith in it at all. Eventually I got round to reading it-Boy was I mad!

Who was this guy anyway? Who was he to tell me that EVERYTHING I had already learn't about affiliate marketing through damn hard work...was wrong! I had to re-learn everything.

Yes the SEO advice we all get about backlinks, relevant link exchanges etc. is all still very valid however it was interesting to read what this particular 'white hat' internet Guru had to say.

I would have deleted Affiliate (un-named test product) right then and there except...on reading on a little...I got butterflies. Yep, this guy had a lot to say that suddenly made sense. I tried not to but became as excited as a kid on Christmas morning.

Could this be for real? Was (ABC) the holy grail of marketing that I had searched for, for so long? Nah couldn't possibly be.

I tried to ignore it, but if just to prove to the butterflies that they were wrong...I put the info into practice.

After all, I couldn't proclaim it a scam in all honesty unless I tried it right?

It's not a throw up a website in 5 minutes thing, but it was fast I followed every step to the letter (So I could crow after that I had tested APX and it didn't work) Took me about 6 hours.

Now one demand in the Program that put my back up was that is stated categorically-you must use ppc once you make you master site. Well I really wasn't keen to go down that road, I tried that when I first started...lost a lot of money. So I sneakily signed up to a ppc that gave you $50 free. So Apart from the cost of the program, and $8 dollar domain and 6 hours-it had cost me nothing to try it but time.

I got it all set up as per the instructions of 'the internet guru and had planned to market it a little, but unfortunately I had to go away and attend to a family matter for a few days. I quite forgot about the whole thing till I got home, I can only say now that I'm bowled over by the advice and amazing tips and secrets given by the un-named Guru, I'm not going to post fake looking stats, or make you jealous by giving you the actual figures involved. (I never believed these anyway when I saw these 'Actual Screen Shots' did you?)

The Experiment.

You don’t have to believe one word that I am saying here-I want you to go and see for yourself with your own eyes. I deliberately threw up a fast unattractive looking blog. Don't judge my web building skills on this please. Within 48 hrs I was No.1 on Google for my search terms. Now this I will show you, you can check this fact yourself online right here at an independent web stats site HERE- Just enter my test subject url. Now-trust me, Im no wizard with SEO, or anything else as a rule. I have never managed to get a no1 spot on google. It just shows you-if you know what your doing it can be done, cost $8 on a domain, marketing and promotion cost to achieve this 0. So learn a little for yourself before you go spending x amount on website promotion!

Now, I'm not able to disclose what's in this report, or it's name, I wont even give you a link to it, that’s not the point of the article. What I can tell you is this: I didn't do much on promotion, I didn't spam any one or send out any e-mails at all. This cost me $8.00 for a domain only!

Having now tested 'This internet Guru's Advice' I have to say, forget everything else you know, or think you know about on-line marketing-It's all a lie. I hope Mr. Guru's advice is available for a good long time but suspect that the writer of it will be given suitcases full of money to disappear and join the witness protection program before someone puts a price on his head:)

If it's still available out there-I'm sure you will find it, if you look.

I felt like writing this article to tell everyone a few things that I have realized lately-SEO is important, but slow and time consuming (normally) All (almost 99%) of 'Get Rich Quick' programs available for sale are a waste of money and tell you nothing you couldn't have easily googled yourself. Be extremely careful what you spend your money on, when it comes to internet marketing advice and webmaster tools. 90% of them are useless-the other 9% help a little. Don't give up searching for the 1% that will make all the difference. They do exist-there just really hard to find. Always question every bit of marketing advice you find-no matter where it came from. I don't care that they made a million with their system; do you really think most of them are actually going to tell you how they did it? They will throw you a few tips and leave out all the goodies as a rule, making their product a waste of your money.

If anyone wants to see an update of how my project is going please feel free to email myself or find my forum for an update.

About The Author

Bubbles Monte has been succesfully earning a living working from home for many years andrunning a vibrant and free online work from home forum to help other to do the same See her latest experiment

6 Business Models You Can Start Building in 2009 Using Google Adsense Part 1

VRE -- better known as "Virtual Real Estate" is literally everywhere online.

That's right. Everytime you do a search on whatever it is your searching for via the Internet you get a list of results. Within that list of results lye's thousands, if not, millions of pages of Virtual Real Estate that is making someone out there on the WWW some handsome profits.

The question is... "what have you done in order to stake your Internet "VRE" claim so you too can enjoy some of that profit as well?"

If you haven't started anything yet, that's okay because I did a little research for you and came up with these "6 POWERFUL VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Business Models You Can Start Building In 2009 Using Google Adsense" so you too can benefit like the many others out there online.

The first VRE business model I'd like to talk about are -- Article Directories.

VRE Model #1. Articles Directories.

Article Directories are in my mind are probably one of the best VRE business models on the web simply because they offer your audience and publishers Multiple Channels of information on any topic.

And the facts are, people come online for information.

So, what do Article Directories contain?

That's right... Information! ... and lots of it.

The other great benefit to Article Directories is that you don't have to write a single word if you don't want to because the whole purpose of starting your Article Directory in the first place is to get other people(we also call them authors) to submit their content for your readers and/or publishers to read and use.

Now, the Rule Of Thumb is simple when it comes to growing your Article Directory and that is... the more authors you recruit, the more your Article Directory will grow, filling it full of targeted information for your readers to digest and for publishers to use on their websites.

It gets better, so keep reading.

Did you know that the more pages you have within your Article Directory means... the more search engine food you'll have for the search engines to come and index into their database which will then be displayed within the search engines search results.

Remember in the beginning of this article when I was talking about the search engine results being full of Virtual Real Estate. This is where your Article Directories webpages(or your Virtual Real Estate) will be listed for web surfers find.

This also means that you'll receive a lot of FREE targeted search engine traffic to your Article Directory as it grows giving your authors FREE targeted traffic to their sites and keeping them happy, and at the same time, will be building your VRE nest egg on the WWW.

Are you starting to see the benefits to starting your own Article Directory on the Internet?

I hope so.

But don't go anywhere just yet, I'm not finished.

There's two more things I want to talk to you about before this part of the article series ends.

The first is RSS -- better known as "Real Simple Syndication" and what RSS does is it allows you to syndicate your Article Directories content or just content in general through an RSS feed so that any reader and/or publisher who subscribes to a particular RSS feed within your Article Directory will receive ANY new updated content that is published... INSTANTLY!

The other benefit to a RSS feed is... lets say you have 1000 publishers subscribed to one of your RSS feeds and one of your authors submits a new article at your Article Directory, all those publishers who subscribed to that RSS feed will receive it once that RSS feed updates and when someone clicks on the link within that RSS feed to read the new article, guess where the visitor is sent to?

You guessed it, your Article Directory, with your Google Adsense ads(I'll talk about that in a second) and whatever other related affiliate links you have on that webpage.

Now... for the BEST part, how-to make a $Profit$ with your Article directory.

I'm telling you, this is the easiest money you'll ever make for simply supplying your viewers and the Internet(A.K.A. The Information Super Highway) with what it needs the most, Information!

How do you do it?

Heard of Google Adsense(as I mentioned just a minute ago), because if you haven't, now you have.

What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is Googles affiliate program for publishers and how it works is it displays ads targeted towards the content on that particular webpage being viewed.

How do you get paid? Simple. Your reader just has to click on one of the ads within the Google Adsense ad box on that webpage and depending on what the topic is and keyword could pay some handsome commissions(usually between 35% to 50%).

And, guess what? You didn't even have to do any selling OR follow-up.

Not bad and believe me those clicks add up Fast and by having the search engines returning frequently for regular indexing and having RSS feeds(remember, when someone clicks on the RSS feed link on someone elses website they get redirected back to yours with your Google Adsense ads on it and other affiliate links) for other publishers to use on their websites you'll soon see your Google Adsense profits get Bigger and BIGGER!

Well, that's it for now. So be sure to be on the look out for my next installment of the "6 POWERFUL VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Business Models You Can Start Building In 2009Using Google Adsense". More more information on Google Adsense Click Below

The Traffic Received At The Google Adsense

Keen Google AdSense affiliates will quickly notice that not all traffic they receive at their AdSense site is click-happy traffic.
There will be times when a very high percentage of the traffic received at the Google affiliate site will end up clicking on the AdSense ads displayed. There will be other times when hardly a soul will click on any of the ads.
Closer examination will usually reveal a fascinating and yet obvious fact. And that is the more tightly targeted the traffic, the more clicks you will tend to receive.
This simply means that it is very possible to receive a fraction of the traffic that another site receives, but simply because of how tightly targeted your traffic is, you could easily end up receiving many more clicks and much higher Adsense earnings.for more details There are even cases where the other site may have three or four times the kind of traffic that your site has and yet you will enjoy more clicks and much higher Adsense earnings.
This clearly illustrates the fact that many webmasters and blog owners quite often end up receiving a large percentage of curious rather than interested visitors. In a way this cannot be avoided because most search terms will hardly produce results that are anywhere near 100 per cent accurate. In fact search results and the improvement of search results is at the center of the current fierce and ongoing battle between leading search engines.
While curiosity is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to get visitors to click more at your Google affiliate Adsense ads ads (see other article by this author- direct to webcontent blog) this strategy will hardly work when a vast majority of the visitors you attract to your site are not really interested in the subject at hand. Yet many webmasters keen on receiving high traffic for the sake of high traffic have often used tactics that tend to trick people to make their way to their sites. This strategy hardly makes sense and the Google affiliate Adsense program illustrates this fact rather brutally.
So how does a Google affiliate site attract highly targeted traffic? It is important that before even embarking on the mission of attracting targeted traffic, that you ensure that your site or blog is tightly targeted at a certain audience and that your content clearly reflects this. This is the only way that you will be able to attract the sort of Adsense ads that will be of interest to your visitors. A common mistake with many is to have a site that is just too general which also attracts Adsense ads that are too general.
One of the most effective ways of ensuring or guaranteeing targeted traffic to your site or blog is to give your visitors a sneak preview of your contents. Let them read sample articles of what they will find at your site. The way to do this is to distribute your articles to high traffic article directories and sites. These sites will publish your articles free and will also include your resource box at the bottom which will give details about you complete with the url to your site or blog.Some folks will read your article and not visit your site. Which is okay because what should really matter to you is receiving targeted traffic. like as Actually only a small fraction of the people who read your article will end up at your site, but the good news is that the people who do end up at your site will be very interested in what you have to offer and will tend to spend a long time at your site. This is the sort of traffic that any webmaster or blog owner would easily kill for.
Of course there are other factors that are important for you to achieve success here. For example your content will have to be very well written. This need not be expensive if you are hiring an online writer as we have various low cost options that will give you quality content.
Whatever you need to do will be well worth the effort because using this method, the visitors whom you end up with at your site will tend to continually and perpetually click at your Adsense ads. Cuasing your Adsense earnings to rise steeply. Which is exactly what you want to happen. But then there is plenty more you can do to increase your volume of visitors and ultimately the clicks at your sites and your Adsense revenue.

Make Money Easy as an Affiliate

Copyright (c) 2008 Charles Boustany

Perhaps you don't even know what affiliate marketing is! This is a brief refresher course just in case you are not up to date on what's going on with affiliate marketing today.

In the next few paragraphs were going to talk about what affiliate marketing is and easiest way to make money as an affiliate.

As an affiliate you will act as a middleman between a prospective customer and your affiliate merchant. In the off-line business world you would be known as a retail outlet or a retail store.

The simplicity of affiliate marketing is that you get paid to sell somebody else's product. There are many different affiliate marketing programs that you can join for free.

Getting paid to sell advertising on your website is the easiest way to make money as an affiliate marketer. The most popular way to do this is to join the Google Adsense affiliate program.

Google is the largest search engine in the world and they have a wonderful affiliate program that will pay you for promoting their advertisers websites. They even make it very easy to do this by just placing a small snippet of code on every page that you want ads to show.

Google does the rest of it for you because they are able to match the theme of your website with the advertisers and instantly display those advertisers on your page.

What makes this an easy way for you to make money is every time somebody clicks on one of those ads you earn a small commission. Sometimes it's a few pennies per click or it could be several dollars per click.

The reason we say this is the easiest way to make money is because you do not have to do anything once you place the ads on your website except get traffic to the page. As you will not be selling your visitor anything and not asking them to part with their hard earned cash to purchase from you.

Generally the less you ask a customer to do the easier it is for them. The higher the volume of traffic the more you will be making in commission especially that you will be making little money for each click.

There are people who make thousands of dollars every month as a Google affiliate, because they have thousands of pages with Google ads on them. Regardless of whether you want to make just a few dollars or make a lot of money, the easiest way to do it as an affiliate is with the Google Adsense affiliate program

Earn Money Google Directory

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How Google Affiliate Will Change the World

Amazon, watch out. Earlier today, Google launched an affiliate ad network. Or, rather, it rebranded Performics, the affiliate ad network that came along with its purchase of DoubleClick, as the "Google Affiliate Network." As with other affiliate networks such as Amazon's, participating Website publishers get paid a fee for each referral that results in a sale. Existing advertisers include Bank of America, Barnes & Noble, Citi, Target, and Verizon.

Google constantly looking for ways to improve AdSense by developing and supporting features which drive the best monetization results for our publishers. Sometimes, this requires retiring existing features so they can focus our efforts on the ones that will be most effective in the long term. For this reason, they will be retiring the AdSense Referrals program during the last week of August.

Google acquired the DoubleClick Performics Affiliate operations in March 2008. Together, they're creating new opportunities for monetization, expansion, and innovation in affiliate marketing.

Performics was founded as the first full-service affiliate network in 1998 and was acquired by DoubleClick in 2004. Today Performics Affiliate operates as Google Affiliate Network and remains committed to delivering affiliate channel growth for advertisers and publishers

As part of the integration of DoubleClick, the DoubleClick Performics Affiliate Network will now operate as the Google Affiliate Network for advertisers targeting users located in the United States. Similar to the AdSense Referrals program, the Google Affiliate Network enables publishers to apply for advertiser programs and get paid based on advertiser-defined actions instead of clicks or impressions

As we can see, most of the affiliate programs like ClickBank, Comission Junctions and Linkshare still control the arena of affiliate world. But soon to be leader, Google Affiliate will replace all the system.Most of the Internet User will still trust Google rather than other affiliate program.

Google Do No Evil seems to be controlling every inch of web space

The full report in the world about Google Affiliate program can be found at this link

Explode Your Google Adsense and Affiliate Commissions Through Niche Blog Content Sites

In this article you'll learn the basic steps needed on How-To build Niche Blog Content Sites using Google Adsense and ClickBank affiliate programs.
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Affiliate Marketing - Google Adsense program allows to display!

A lot of people are lured by affiliate marketing because it can be financially rewarding, even if you just stay at home. Affiliate marketing programs are the best alternatives to those who are sick and tired of their arduous daily work just to climb up the venerated ladder.
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3 Tips To Succeed With Affiliate Programs.

Dear friends, when it comes to promoting affiliate programs we all follow a certain defined process. We first go to ,type affiliate programs in the search field. When the results get displayed we look for "high paying" affiliate programs. By "high paying" I mean those who pay 25% commissions.

The Truth about Google’s Adsense affiliate program

Why and how much Google is Getting Important, either you are Businessman, Doctor, Engineer, Software Professional, SEO or Housewife, you tend to google every time. Google is more or less an integral part of our online life now. Google has become the biggest brand on internet, it’s still a seven year old kid and has surpassed young and healthy fellows like Microsoft and Yahoo!

The Truth about Google’s Adsense affiliate program

The truth about Google’s Adsense program is that it is amazing. It’s the greatest affiliate program ever invented. There is no affiliate program that even comes close. If you are not using Google’s Adsense, you’re truly missing out on a great opportunity. I’ve tried several other affiliate programs, and the only one that is creating revenue even close to Google’s, is the affiliate program.’s affiliate program pays 5% commission and up for shipped products. It’s not really clear how Google pays you, but let me tell you it seems very fair. They do not pay per clicks, leads, or click throughs; they have a secret formula that no one will tell. But trust me it works. I was making pennies off of clicks monthly, until I joined Google. Then the pennies became dollars.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Another Affiliate Scam? NO1 on Google in 48 hrs!

Another Affiliate Scam?Affiliate Project XYZ or whatever-6 Figure Income for working a few hours per day?Affiliates that are making $50,000.00 a month? Don't make me Laugh....I winced when I read anything like this, and click off the page. Since I first found out about people making money online, I wanted to know how to do it myself. For personal reasons (that I won’t go into here) I needed to work from home and obtain a decent income whilst doing so. I spend 1000's of hours surfing and I'm ashamed to say a good pile cash on useless guides and programs. I joined forums and groups and quickly after reading of their experiences decided that the majority of these e-books, programs and tutorial were nothing but a scam. I settled down to plod around, making a lot of sites and going via the tried and tested 'Work Horse' method. In the end, I was making about $300 a month. After making virtually nothing for the first 6 months!!! When I saw the latest affiliate secrets program appear, I thought 'Here we go again'. Another get rich quick scheme. I have to say I ignored it for some time...but then I started to hear whispers, all over the net saying how great it was. Blah blah, I still ignored it.I am a member of a particularly harsh, clued up Affiliate Forum. (They are straight talkers! They review and report harshly on every single scam and new program on the net. I was grinning when I saw the headline 'New Affiliate project program reviewed'. At last, I thought some one will pull it to pieces and save all the money and cash hungry affiliates wasting their time! I scrolled down till I found a favorite forum poster of mine, he is a cutting, an SEO expert, sharp, harsh and pulls every 'Get rich Quick Scheme' that I've ever seen on the net to shreds.Boy did I get a shock!!! Here are some real posts from this harsh clued up forum:Geez, this guy knows his stuff! Damn-if everyone reads this info-I'm outta business.One guy wrote in another thread that this is the type of product that you don't want a lot of people to know about. I agreed with him but then I forgot a few things.a) 90% of the people that buy it won't do a thing with itb) Of the remaining 10%, about 1% will implement it effectivelySo I hope I don't need to worry. Damn, can't believe he is selling this info so cheap!This is only one post out of 50-singing it's praises-Affiliate Scheme ABC this and that-wow, blown away etc. all over the forum!Took the wind right out of my jaded sales. I thought ok-you know what...lets go see.I read it all carefully, then the clincher was spotting the money back guarantee if not satisfied plus it was quite cheap-so I thought...hmm why not. So tentatively, I bought Affiliate the product to test.I thought it would just be an interesting experiment that I could report back on the forum about. I really didn't expect very much to come of my purchase.Now I also run my own work from home forum and we have a vibrant community and all help each other with tips and knowledge on how to earn from home. I almost felt it my duty to try this out so I could post about 'What a con it was'I bought this particular un-named product, (let just nickname it Abc for the purposes of this article), downloaded it and was so disinterested in reading it, I forgot about it for a few days.I really hadn't much faith in it at all. Eventually I got round to reading it-Boy was I mad!Who was this guy anyway? Who was he to tell me that EVERYTHING I had already learn't about affiliate marketing through damn hard work...was wrong! I had to re-learn everything.Yes the SEO advice we all get about backlinks, relevant link exchanges etc. is all still very valid however it was interesting to read what this particular 'white hat' internet Guru had to say.I would have deleted Affiliate (un-named test product) right then and there except...on reading on a little...I got butterflies. Yep, this guy had a lot to say that suddenly made sense. I tried not to but became as excited as a kid on Christmas morning.Could this be for real? Was (ABC) the holy grail of marketing that I had searched for, for so long? Nah couldn't possibly be.I tried to ignore it, but if just to prove to the butterflies that they were wrong...I put the info into practice.After all, I couldn't proclaim it a scam in all honesty unless I tried it right?It's not a throw up a website in 5 minutes thing, but it was fast I followed every step to the letter (So I could crow after that I had tested APX and it didn't work) Took me about 6 hours.Now one demand in the Program that put my back up was that is stated categorically-you must use ppc once you make you master site. Well I really wasn't keen to go down that road, I tried that when I first started...lost a lot of money. So I sneakily signed up to a ppc that gave you $50 free. So Apart from the cost of the program, and $8 dollar domain and 6 hours-it had cost me nothing to try it but time.I got it all set up as per the instructions of 'the internet guru and had planned to market it a little, but unfortunately I had to go away and attend to a family matter for a few days. I quite forgot about the whole thing till I got home, I can only say now that I'm bowled over by the advice and amazing tips and secrets given by the un-named Guru, I'm not going to post fake looking stats, or make you jealous by giving you the actual figures involved. (I never believed these anyway when I saw these 'Actual Screen Shots' did you?)The Experiment.You don’t have to believe one word that I am saying here-I want you to go and see for yourself with your own eyes. I deliberately threw up a fast unattractive looking blog. Don't judge my web building skills on this please. Within 48 hrs I was No.1 on Google for my search terms. Now this I will show you, you can check this fact yourself online right here at an independent web stats site HERE- Just enter my test subject url. Now-trust me, Im no wizard with SEO, or anything else as a rule. I have never managed to get a no1 spot on google. It just shows you-if you know what your doing it can be done, cost $8 on a domain, marketing and promotion cost to achieve this 0. So learn a little for yourself before you go spending x amount on website promotion!Now, I'm not able to disclose what's in this report, or it's name, I wont even give you a link to it, that’s not the point of the article. What I can tell you is this: I didn't do much on promotion, I didn't spam any one or send out any e-mails at all. This cost me $8.00 for a domain only!Having now tested 'This internet Guru's Advice' I have to say, forget everything else you know, or think you know about on-line marketing-It's all a lie. I hope Mr. Guru's advice is available for a good long time but suspect that the writer of it will be given suitcases full of money to disappear and join the witness protection program before someone puts a price on his head:)If it's still available out there-I'm sure you will find it, if you look.I felt like writing this article to tell everyone a few things that I have realized lately-SEO is important, but slow and time consuming (normally) All (almost 99%) of 'Get Rich Quick' programs available for sale are a waste of money and tell you nothing you couldn't have easily googled yourself. Be extremely careful what you spend your money on, when it comes to internet marketing advice and webmaster tools. 90% of them are useless-the other 9% help a little. Don't give up searching for the 1% that will make all the difference. They do exist-there just really hard to find. Always question every bit of marketing advice you find-no matter where it came from. I don't care that they made a million with their system; do you really think most of them are actually going to tell you how they did it? They will throw you a few tips and leave out all the goodies as a rule, making their product a waste of your money.If anyone wants to see an update of how my project is going please feel free to email myself or find my forum for an update.

How To Multiply Your Sale By Attracting Affiliates

"When I Got Out Of Bed This Morning, I Discovered I'd Sold $870.55 Of My Products While I Was Asleep!" You've seen this line on most famous Internet marketer Neil Shearing's website. Not only the Neil but many other big marketers are doing the same. You must be wondering how somebody can make sales if he is Asleep. It's possible because they have an army of affiliates.
Affiliates are other internet marketers with a good number of opt-in subscribers. They seek for new products and recommend to their list. What you have to do is to provide them a good product and promotional material. So they will create more buzz for your product and you earn a handsome amount of money. It's a win-win situation for both.
Now the question may arises in your mind that how to find new affiliates. This fear is a stumbling block that stops many site owners from getting started with affiliate marketing. Interestingly, with a proper marketing strategy, getting affiliates may not be very difficult. Given below are some tips that may wipe your fear about finding new affiliates.
1. Affiliate Program Directories
There are several sites on the Internet dedicated to listing affiliate Programs. Get your program listed in these directories. Affiliates usually look these directories to find new products. By listing your program you'll get more exposure. Just make a search on Google for "Affiliate Program Directories" and submit your program.
2. Find Complimentary Sites
"Complementary" sites are a sites that sell products or services that compliment your offerings. If you sell "gardening tools", a site that sells books on "gardening tips" would be a perfect affiliate. If you sell software, try looking for sites that sell computers or computer parts. Finding sites that already attract your target market, and can benefit from recommending your product or service to their visitors, is the goal.
3. Find content sites
There are many sites that do not sell any kind of product or service but are mainly content-oriented sites. Such sites promote an idea, concept, study or belief. Content sites that are used as a resource for your target market are ideal affiliates.
4. Place a link on your Sales Page
One of the ways to find affiliates is to place a visible link of your affiliate program at your home page. A healthy side of this coin is that you can convert your visitors in to your affiliates. You can offer your affiliate program to your customers also.
By doing this you’ll get a decent number of affiliates. Now the Second Step is to provide them promotional material so they can make more sales. Each of your affiliate will have different needs so you should focus on each type of promotional material.
Here are some basic things to look for:
1. Email Ads:
Your most affiliates may be interested in placing ads in e-zines or their own newsletters. Try writing a few ads in different lengths. While writing email as always try to use hypnotic language and emotion trigger words so it increases your Click through rate (CTR).
2. Signature Files:
Some affiliates may even add your tag to their signature line. Give them a few witty lines to choose from.
3. Articles:
These are great for affiliates that need content for their websites and newsletters. Write some good articles and allow your affiliates to republish it at their website and newsletter. It will improve your search engine ranking also.
Make a pin point that your article must be a healthy reading for your readers so they read it again and again.
4. Banners:
Though banners aren't much effective as other methods but are still widely used. Make banners in a variety of sizes to fit tops of pages, bottoms, toolbars, sidebars and other miscellaneous areas.
5. Product Images:
Give your affiliates images that show and link directly to specific products. They'll be able to choose an image specific to their site, or choose several images to display.
6. Brandable Reports:
This is probably the best tool in my opinion because it adds a viral effect in your program. Make a short report so your affiliate can brand it with there own affiliate link and give away.
To add viral effect just place a line at first and last page of report like "Click Here to make this Report your 24/7 digital salesperson" and add a link to your affiliate page.
These are some points to start and run your affiliate program. Once you have your affiliate program properly set and your system under control, consider developing promotions for your affiliates. Give them special incentives to sell more during a certain time frame, move seasonal products, or increase business during your slow months. Offer them additional commissions, or even bonuses for reaching a specific amount of sales.
In conclusion, if you follow the steps I have just outlined and if you are ready for a little work and a lot of organization, your affiliate program should be up and running in no time.

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Should Affiliates Really Use Blogging And Pinging To Get Indexed?

There seems to be a huge craze lately with everyone trying to blog and ping to get their websites indexed into the search engines. Although this can be a great tool, all marketers should first understand exactly what they're getting themselves into before starting.
This article is to serve as a beginners guide to getting started with blogging and pinging.
1. What is a blog?
A "blog" is short for "web log." A web log is an online diary or journal. The main aspect blog is that it is frequently updated - at least once a week, sometimes every day or even more.
Since blogs are regularly updated, they tend to carry more value than regular static HTML pages (in some cases).
2. What is a ping?
A ping is a program that sends out a brief request for a response from another computer or server. When you ping on the Internet, you send out a program to see if a remote server is responding.
3. How do bloggers use pings?
Two main reasons to use pings with blogs: First and foremost is to let the search engines know that you have updated your website so they can send their spiders.
Secondly, pings also update the websites on the internet who are using your blog on their site through a feature called RSS feeds, they are displaying your messages on their site).
4. So what is the big deal about blogging and pinging?
Smart affiliate marketers use blogging and pinging to help get their sites crawled and indexed by the search engine spiders a lot quicker than they normally would.
They set up a blog either on their main site or on a sub-domain of their site. They then post links to their product pages on their blog and send out a ping to all the major servers on the Internet.
That ping says "This site has fresh content, time to go add it to your database!" It's a trigger that sends the search spiders looking for updated pages on your site. When they find the new pages, search engines tend to index them much faster.
Blogging and pinging will not get you into EVERY search engine overnight. As of this writing, it is most effective with getting into Yahoo. But often MSN, and even Google, will follow in short order.
Combine blogging and pinging with good link recruiting for the best indexing.
Also, blog and ping on a regular basis if you want to “stay” indexed in the search engines.
6. Is blogging and pinging a requirement to get indexed?
No. You can get indexed quickly by getting plenty of natural backlinks. But for backlinks to be most effective, they have to appear as if they were natural and this can take weeks if not months. Blogging and pinging does seem to drastically shorten the process.
7. Is there a downside to blogging and pinging?
Yes, some marketers are starting to abuse this strategy and the engines are getting wise to it! If you go over-board you risk getting your website completely banned and removed.
Also, many marketers are blogging and pinging for a few days and then forgetting about the website - your website will likely be de-indexed if you do not continue to naturally blog and ping.
The bottom line is that blogging and pinging is a great strategy right now to help you get your website indexed faster. However, the old natural way of getting incoming links is still the best and most assured way - not to mention the long-term benefits of having incoming links.
If you have not yet started blogging and pinging, I suggest you start with a practice website first, not your main website.

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A Review Of Affiliates Focus

Whether you are simply looking to make a little bit of extra cash, or you are thinking about trying to quit your day job altogether, you'll find that one field that might appeal to you is affiliate marketing. At the most basic level, affiliate marketing is taking the time and effort to guide other people to products that are being sold by large companies. When you guide them there, you will get a percentage of the sales.
This is an excellent way to make money, but you'll find that before you can do that, you really need to learn about the market and what you can and can't do, and that is where the Affiliates Focus comes in. This program is helping more and more affiliate marketers find their feet, and it can help you.
When you are getting started as an affiliate marketer, you'll find that there are many pitfalls for you to avoid. What are the main things that you need to know about how to sell your products, and what companies are going to try to cheat you? What is your effort worth and where can you find the people who will pay you for them? When you are in a situation where you need to think about making sure that you can move forward, you'll find that good instruction is the key and that that usually begins with programs like Affiliates Focus.
With Affiliates Focus, you'll find that you can do a great deal simply by reading what is available. As with so many other things, you'll find that having good information to start with will go a long way. With the right information under your belt, you can move mountains, and when you are looking to quit your day job, this might be precisely what you need to do!
The affiliate marketing field might look easy, but you are looking at people who have a lot of experience in it and have the money to burn to make mistakes. There is a good chance that this does not describe you, so you need to move forward with caution and with a great deal of information about what the market is really like.
If you want to make the most out of an affiliate marketing career, you'll find that you need to think about what you can do to ensure the fact that you are making the amount of money you need for the effort that you are putting in. Sure, making more than a hundred dollars a day sounds good, but what if you were working seventeen hours?
You'll find that taking a look at Affiliates Focus can help you really understand what the business is like, and you'll find that it can go a long way towards getting you the answers that you need. Make sure that you don't neglect this important aspect of your education; take the time to learn more about your industry and soon, you'll figure out how to stand on top of it!

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How to Build Your Army of Affiliates

Productive and motivated affiliates can make you a lot of money. Best of all, it only requires an upfront investment from you. After that, it is completely free advertising. If you provide your affiliates with a few good tools, some direction, combined with a great product and sales letter and you can sit back and let your affiliates do all of the heavy lifting.
Some individuals have become wealthy by building a well equipped affiliate force. Below, we will discuss how to ensure that your affiliates have everything that they need to help you make more money. Be sure that they are equipped with graphics, the best places to advertise and how to be successful as an affiliate. If you do these things, they will be much more motivated to spend time promoting your product. The more motivated they are, the more that they will sell and the more money you will make.
Below are some tips to help you build your affiliate force:
Create a Special Page: Create a page that is specifically for your affiliates. This page should include everything that they need to successfully promote your product.
Create Graphics: Pay a little money and have banners and ebook covers made. It will make it much easier for your affiliates to promote your product. The Most popular banners are the 480x60 or 125x125. Links are great but a ebook cover banner says so much more.
Give Direction: Some affiliate marketers, especially if they are just starting out, may not know where to begin. Give them direction by creating adverts for them, providing advice on the best ways to advertise. Be sure to explain to them free ways to advertise as well, so that don’t feel like they are taking a risk.
Provide Keywords: Many of your affiliates will want to use pay-per-click to advertise. This would be a good time to suggest that they either purchase keyword researching tools or show them where they can do this research for free. Note, the less money that they have to spend promoting your product, the better. Give them a few good keywords to start off, but encourage and teach them to do their own research.
Provide Advertising Leads: If you know of any places to advertise that convert well, pass this information on to your affiliates. Getting much profit on affiliate marketing programs, however, does not depend so much on the compensation method is it does on the traffic generated by your site. Remember, the more money they make, you make, so share, share, share!
Write Articles & Sample Adverts: Create a few pay-per-click, ezine and email advertisements that your affiliates can use. Also create a few sample articles and press releases that they can modify for their own use.
If you give your affiliates everything they need to sell your product, they will more apt to take action. There are thousands of other affiliate programs that they can choose from. Make yours an attractive one to promote. Your affiliates will be happy and your bank account will be much fatter!

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