Saturday, April 4, 2009

How to Build Your Army of Affiliates

Productive and motivated affiliates can make you a lot of money. Best of all, it only requires an upfront investment from you. After that, it is completely free advertising. If you provide your affiliates with a few good tools, some direction, combined with a great product and sales letter and you can sit back and let your affiliates do all of the heavy lifting.
Some individuals have become wealthy by building a well equipped affiliate force. Below, we will discuss how to ensure that your affiliates have everything that they need to help you make more money. Be sure that they are equipped with graphics, the best places to advertise and how to be successful as an affiliate. If you do these things, they will be much more motivated to spend time promoting your product. The more motivated they are, the more that they will sell and the more money you will make.
Below are some tips to help you build your affiliate force:
Create a Special Page: Create a page that is specifically for your affiliates. This page should include everything that they need to successfully promote your product.
Create Graphics: Pay a little money and have banners and ebook covers made. It will make it much easier for your affiliates to promote your product. The Most popular banners are the 480x60 or 125x125. Links are great but a ebook cover banner says so much more.
Give Direction: Some affiliate marketers, especially if they are just starting out, may not know where to begin. Give them direction by creating adverts for them, providing advice on the best ways to advertise. Be sure to explain to them free ways to advertise as well, so that don’t feel like they are taking a risk.
Provide Keywords: Many of your affiliates will want to use pay-per-click to advertise. This would be a good time to suggest that they either purchase keyword researching tools or show them where they can do this research for free. Note, the less money that they have to spend promoting your product, the better. Give them a few good keywords to start off, but encourage and teach them to do their own research.
Provide Advertising Leads: If you know of any places to advertise that convert well, pass this information on to your affiliates. Getting much profit on affiliate marketing programs, however, does not depend so much on the compensation method is it does on the traffic generated by your site. Remember, the more money they make, you make, so share, share, share!
Write Articles & Sample Adverts: Create a few pay-per-click, ezine and email advertisements that your affiliates can use. Also create a few sample articles and press releases that they can modify for their own use.
If you give your affiliates everything they need to sell your product, they will more apt to take action. There are thousands of other affiliate programs that they can choose from. Make yours an attractive one to promote. Your affiliates will be happy and your bank account will be much fatter!

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